Fantastic your 3 months pregnant.
Week 8
Your baby is developing webbed hands and feet this week. Right now baby is about the size of a kidney bean. You will be able to book in for your dating scan around now.
Week 9
By now baby has all their internal organs, although they are still very immature. By now baby is approximately 20mm in length.
Week 10
Baby is starting to bend their arms and legs to make movements. Your uterus is about the size of a grapefruit and baby weighs around 3 grams.
Week 11
The bones in baby's face have formed now and their ears are starting to develop. Their eyes are developing but are covered by their eye lids and won't open for a few more months yet.
Week 12
Baby is about the size of a plum now, all body parts and internal organs have now formed so they just need to continue growing. You should receive your dating scan around now, if your unsure of the date of your last period this scan will tell you your approximate due date, as well as checking the development of your baby.
Many people feel that this milestone is the right time for them to announce their pregnancy, assuming you have managed to keep it a secret until now that.
Stay tuned for our next week by week installment 12 - 16 weeks.