You have reached your second month of pregnancy that is fantastic, I hope you are feeling great.
Your baby is still being cultured in it's yolk sac in the fifth week while the placenta finishes forming. The blood vessels are forming to create the umbilical cord that will keep your baby fed and growing during your pregnancy journey.
During week six your baby's arms and legs are beginning to form, and your baby's heart can be seen visibly beating on some forms of ultrasound scan. That is amazing to think someone so small has cardiac activity.
During week seven your baby is still tiny measuring just 10mm, however their nervous system is forming rapidly and their brain is growing at a remarkable pace. Also, their eyes and ears are developing this week.
During week eight your baby's fingers and toes start to develop.
Early symptoms this month are sickness and nausea. Increased need to pass urine. An increased sense of smell and taste. Tender breasts. A bloated tummy, and for some women spotting.
These are all a normal part of pregnancy, though they can seem quite scary at times. If you need any advice please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns you may have.