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Weeks 16-20

Natural living

Congratulations on reaching this far in you pregnancy. You are now well into your second trimester. Now is usually when most women start to feel more energised and want to be most active. Your bump is probably visible to others by now. So let see what to expect this month.

Week 16

Baby is about 11cm long and roughly the size of a pear and moving around a lot, so you may start to feel fluttering sensations. Your breasts are preparing to feed your baby, so they may be feeling larger and heavier. Make sure your bra is still the correct size to avoid feeling uncomfortable.

Pregnancy hormones can make your muscles and ligaments relax and a different posture could mean your body aches in different places. Try some gentle stretches, swimming or look for pregnancy exercise classes in your area.

Week 17

Baby is now around 13.5cm big enough to hold in the palm of your hand. Although baby's eyes are still closed, their face is fully formed and they are starting to grow eyelashes and eyebrows. Baby will have their own unique finger prints and their fingernails will be growing.

Week 18

Baby weighs approximately 200g and their genitals will now be formed. If you are having a girl her eggs will already be in her ovaries. Your baby is now able to hiccup and yawn.

Week 19

Baby is now the size of a pomegranate and around 15.5cm long amd weighs about 250g. You may also feel that the glittering feelings are becoming stronger or even that there is a kicks or movement pattern throughout the day to when your baby moves the most.

Week 20

Baby is around the size of a bell pepper and weighs about 350g. You will be offered another scan around now and they will be able to tell you the sex, if you want to find out. They will check baby's anatomy, such as limbs and major organs and if any abnormalities are this can be a worrying time, but your doctor and midwife can explain what these are and also what your options are.

They will also note the location of your placenta and how much fluid is around your baby.

Stay tuned for our next blog. Weeks 20 - 24.

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