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12 - 16 weeks

Natural living

Congratulations on reaching your second trimester. By now you most likely have seen baby for the first time and heard their heartbeat, meaning it will all seem a lot more real now. So let's tale a look a what to expect from your pregnancy this month.

Week 12

Now baby should weigh around 14g and is about 5.5cm long. Baby's skeleton is now fully formed and is starting to harden. Baby will be moving around a lot now although you won't be able to feel it yet.

Week 13

Baby now weighs 20g and is approximately 6cm long from the top of the head to their bottom, they are growing quickly now about the size of a large prawn. They will be able to move their hands and even suck their thumb.

Week 14

Baby is now about 8cm long and weighs about 40g, around double the weight of last week. Baby will be growing a protective layer of fine hair called lanugo.

Week 15

Baby should now weight roughly 70g and measures almost 9cm. Baby will start growing eyebrows and head hair now.

Week 16

Now baby will measure roughly 10cm from head to bottom and weighs around 100g. Baby's heart can now pump around 30 liters of blood around their body a day.

A common complaint with pregnant women by now is heartburn/indegestion. Eating small meals more regularly rather than larger meals a couple times a day can help with this.

Nausea generally settles down, however if it hasn't in most cases it should settle by 20 weeks pregnant, although some women do suffer all the way through the pregnancy.

Join us next time for weeks 16 - 20.

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